Rumors & Roughing: A Slapshot Novel (Slapshot Series Book 5) Read online

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  She needed to calm down before she allowed herself to talk to him at all – if she would even bother. Right now, she needed to get rid of her family, except Rhine. She needed to focus on Alec and hope that something else in the case gave way and helped Alec. Since she couldn’t say anything.

  “It doesn’t matter,” Madison said, shaking her head and placing her palm on her forehead. “I don’t care.”

  “When were you going to tell us you were dating Alec Schumacher?” her mother asked.

  “What difference does it make?” Madison asked. “You would have found any excuse to get me back to South Haven. Dad would mutter something about how he didn’t send me to California to date hockey players. And to be honest, it’s none of your business. When I’m ready to introduce you to him, I will.”

  “Brady seemed like a nice fellow,” her mother put in.

  Madison gave her mother a look. “Don’t do that,” she said. “You’re not allowed to do that. You are not allowed to make comments regarding my love life because you think you have any idea of what’s good for me and what isn’t when you haven’t been paying attention to me and what I want for years.”

  “So,” Rhine said slowly when there was no movement by parent or daughter to say or do anything more. “What now?”

  “I’m going to change, since the game is nearly over,” Madison said. “After that, I plan to get some ice cream. Rhine, you are invited.” Her eyes flashed over to her parents. “You both are not. I’ll drop Rhine off later tonight at whatever hotel you’re staying at. We’ll probably be out late so don’t wait up for us.” Her attention focused back on her sister. “Would you like to see our locker room?”

  Rhine grinned. “Obviously,” she said. She threw a worried glance over her shoulder to find her parents glaring at her.

  “Rhine, dear, you don’t have to go,” her mother pointed out.

  “If you know what’s good for you, you won’t go,” her father all but growled.

  Madison shot him a look. “Are you threatening her, Dad?” she asked. “After everything we just talked about?” She shook her head. “I haven’t seen my sister in months. I’m going to take her out for ice cream and ask about what’s going on in her life without judging her for it because that’s what you do with people you care about.” She squeezed her sister’s shoulder. “Come on, Rhine. Let’s go.”

  Chapter 16

  Madison sighed, running her fingers through her hair. She glanced around her dorm room and realized that perhaps she took this place for granted. Just a little bit.

  She got a call from Amanda but ignored it, shooting her a quick text that she had to take care of a family emergency and she was all right.

  The Gulls had won, another low-scoring game, thanks to Zachary Ryan’s overtime goal. Alec had the assist and no fights, which was better than they could hope for. Unfortunately – and surprisingly – there was a small group of fans who booed him every time he touched the puck. And they weren’t just Vancouver fans. Madison noticed people in navy blue jerseys booing as well.

  Which just astounded her.

  She understood that Alec had a reputation. She understood that no one knew they were dating because it would compromise Madison’s position as a Gulls Girl. But why not wait until he was tried, until evidence was actually presented, until they judged him? She felt herself furrow her brow to the point where she was feeling legitimate anger at these people for turning on him so quickly. Alec was the last person to ever be caught up in a rape scandal.

  But, a voice in her head pointed out. But no one knows him like you. And when a celebrity has been accused of rape, it’s easy to believe the victim because why would they ostracize themselves in such a way? What have they got to lose?

  Madison couldn’t blame them. Just because she knew the truth didn’t mean they did.

  She needed some space. She was glad the Gulls had won, disappointed she missed the game. Glad things were progressing for Alec.

  She needed to think about everything. She needed to think about where she was going after the season ended. She was still upset at everything and wanted to cool off so she didn’t continue to say stupid things and take her issues with her mom and dad out on Alec, hurting Alec even more.

  Instead, she took a long shower and went back to her dorm to change after dropping Rhine off at the hotel her parents were staying at. She was nearly done with her paper, which was good because she wanted to be able to study on her exams and not have to worry about anything else once June hit.

  When her fingers were screaming for a break, she crawled into bed and stared up at the ceiling. Her eyes were heavy and she knew if she turned off the light and closed them, she would fall asleep.

  But she had to do something first.

  She grabbed her cell phone and swiped it open. She sent Alec a quick text. I’ll be there tomorrow. A lot has happened since the game and I just need time to myself.

  Alec replied almost instantly. I know. I love you. Come over.

  She giggled and shook her head.

  Then: The bed is so empty without you.

  She felt her heart clench at the message and her entire body spread with warmth. Besides Rhine and Amanda, Alec was the person she could count on the most to make herself feel better.

  At that moment, there was a knock on her door. Madison furrowed her brow, quickly glancing at her phone to make sure it wasn’t Alec. He would have just used his key, she imagined.

  She went to her door and looked through the peephole. Furrowing her brow, she stepped back and opened the door to find Brady standing there, a sheepish grin on his face. She did not smile, did not do anything to attempt to make him feel welcomed. The fact that he was here, pissed her off more than she expected it to.

  “Yes?” she asked, not bothering to hide her attitude in the singular word. She only emphasized it by pushing up her brow and giving him an expectant look.

  “Okay, I know I’m probably the last person you want to see,” Brady said. He glanced around, clearly feeling slight discomfort at how exposed he was. “Do you think I could come in?”

  “I actually think that would be a bad idea,” Madison said. “My NHL player boyfriend wouldn’t appreciate me inviting guys into my room late at night.” She clenched her jaw. “How did you even know about him anyway?”

  “I saw him a week ago sneak into your room,” Brady said. “I think he used a key.”

  “What were you doing in my dorm that late at night?” Madison asked suspiciously. She remembered that night: she and Alec had gotten into a tiff that caused her to head back to her dorm for the night, only to be woken up by Alec kissing her on her neck and waking her up to make love to her.

  “Dropping off Alexa,” Brady said, though he seemed uncomfortable with the question.

  Madison pressed her lips together. That sounded legitimate. One of Brady’s girls lived down the hallway from her dorm but Madison had never run into her before. Probably because she had always been at Alec’s, school, or at a Gulls game.

  “And why in the hell did you think you had any right to tell my parents about him?” she asked in a hushed whisper. “Honestly, Brady, first of all, my relationships are none of your business. I know we’re kind of friends, but at the very least, you know I don’t have a close relationship with them. And you go and tell them that I work as a Gulls Girl and that I’m dating Alec Schumacher.” She shook her head. “What I don’t understand is why you would ever think that would be okay. Like, it’s none of your business. It’s never been.”

  “I thought I was helping,” he said.

  “No, you weren’t,” she snapped and then shifted her weight. “You know you were stirring the pot. What’s your problem, Brady? I thought we were friends.”

  “Friends?” He furrowed his brow and shifted his eyes so they glanced down the hallway, as if ensuring no one could overhear them. When he returned his eyes back to Madison, they were hard and determined. “Madison, I asked you out last year. I wanted to be mo
re than your friend. When you never called…”

  “You never called, either,” Madison pointed out. “Brady, why did you want to continue to go out when there wasn’t that spark between us? And you know there wasn’t.”

  “I just figured you would let me know you were interested,” Brady said, glancing down at his feet and shrugging his shoulders. For someone as good looking and charming and intelligent as Madison thought Brady was, he looked small in front of her. He couldn’t even make eye contact with her, which, quite frankly, was pretty pathetic.

  “I wasn’t,” Madison told him. “We had a nice date but I don’t want to date someone I’ve had a nice time with. I’m sure you feel the same way.”

  Brady furrowed his brow. “Actually,” he said, “that’s exactly what I want. I’ve done the dating, the one-night stands. I want a girl I can take home to my parents.”

  “That’s great,” Madison said, sounding sincere. “That’s wonderful. And you will, Brady. You will. But I have no idea why you thought it might be me. We haven’t seen each other in two years and then, all of a sudden, you start talking to me again.”

  “I was just getting sick of the lifestyle,” Brady said, shrugging his shoulders. “And I remembered our date and thought maybe we could try it again.”

  “Even though you know I’m dating Alec Schumacher?” Madison asked.

  “I didn’t know it until that night,” Brady told her.

  “Even so,” Madison said with a shrug. “It sounds like you’re coming back to me when you could have had me two years ago.” She furrowed her brow. “Actually, no. You wouldn’t have been able to have me then, and you can’t have me now. Brady, you completely fucked me. I don’t think you realize that. By telling my family what you did, they went to my boss and tried to have me fired.”

  Brady’s mouth dropped open. At least it seemed as though he was surprised, like he maybe regretted what he had done.

  “Maddy, you have to believe me,” Brady said. “I didn’t know –“

  “I know you didn’t know,” Madison told him, “but you did know it was going to bite me in the ass at some point. Don’t pretend, either. I told you about my family.”

  Brady clenched his jaw and looked away. “Okay,” he said, nodding his head. “You’re right. I was petty about the whole thing. That’s on me. I’m sorry for that.”

  Madison looked deep into his tawny gaze, trying to read his eyes. From what she could see, he sounded sincere. There didn’t seem to be an underlying current of expectation from her. She felt the tension ease out of her shoulders and tilted her head to the side. “Is there anything else?”

  “Were you fired?” he asked her.

  “What?” she asked, furrowing her brow.

  “From the Gulls,” he said. “Were you fired?”

  Madison shrugged. “Honestly, I don’t know,” she said. “Seraphina was professional enough not to discuss anything in front of my family. But I have a feeling…” She shook her head, her dark hair slowly following her movement. “And, quite frankly, it’s none of your business, Brady. Whatever happens to me, will happen to me. I can’t do anything to change it.”

  Brady pressed his lips together, nodding his head. “Would it be all right if I asked one more question?” he asked, lifting up his brow.

  Madison refrained from rolling her eyes. She wanted to say no, but at least this might get rid of him for once and for all. She might be able to go back to worry about Alec and her job.

  “Yes?” she asked, not bothering to hide the exhaustion from her tone.

  “Is it true?” he asked. His eyes weren’t wary anymore. They weren’t filled with shame or regret. They were hard but curious. Like his apology was a farce. Like the whole thing was a farce to get information out of her. “That Alec Schumacher raped that girl?”

  Madison clenched her teeth together. It took everything in her to not reach out and sock Brady in his perfectly chiseled face. “I think we’re done here,” Madison said, nearly slamming the door. Brady was quick and prevented her from doing so.

  “Madison,” he said. “I’m just trying to protect you. When I saw Alec go into your room, I was worried he might be doing the same with you. You heard what the papers said. You knew the victim was part of the organization.”

  “Actually, I hadn’t heard that,” Madison said. Not that it was important right now, but she would tuck that information away for later.

  “Well, it came out today,” Brady said. “And obviously I knew you worked as a Gulls Girl, so I put two and two together.”

  “Except, you came up with five instead of four,” Madison retorted, “because if you genuinely believed that Alec was going to rape me, why didn’t you stop him?” She perked her brows.

  Brady opened his mouth, unsure how to respond.

  Madison didn’t hesitate. “Because you knew he wasn’t going to rape me,” she said. “If you were so concerned, you would have gone to the cops. Instead, you did nothing. Until you saw my family. At that point, you said I was dating Alec Schumacher, not that you saw him attempt to rape me. Because the truth of the matter is, Brady, Alec didn’t rape me. He didn’t rape anyone. I’m not sure if you’re in it for the drama or what, but I’m over your meddling and your bullshit. Stay away from me, okay?”

  Before Brady could counter anything Madison said, she slammed the door in his face and locked it. She turned, pressing her back against the door and staring up at the ceiling.

  She wished she had a bottle of wine in her dorm room. Technically speaking, it was against the rules to have booze in the room, but everybody did it, and after everything she had been through, she figured it would be completely understandable.

  She forced herself to the bed, not bothering to change out of her clothes.

  Sleep. She would sleep and hopefully, everything would be better in the morning.

  Chapter 17

  To be honest, Madison felt like she was a student getting sent to the principal’s office when Seraphina requested her presence at her office the next morning. Alec was also invited – and by invited, his presence was required – so at least she did not have to go through it alone. She chewed her bottom lip and fiddled with her fingernails, up until the point where Alec reached out and grabbed her hand.

  In public.

  In front of the few people at the Ice Palace at nine o’clock in the morning. Morning skate would start in an hour, so the team was starting to come in, but no one noticed as Alec led Madison over to the elevators, their fingers laced together.

  “Alec,” Madison breathed out once the steel doors closed and they were safely tucked inside. “You don’t have to… We can still…”

  “We’re already out, Madison,” he told her, his midnight blue eyes pinning her to where she stood. “Seraphina knows about us. I’m actually kind of thankful for it.”

  “You are?” She furrowed her brow.

  “I am,” he said with a nod. “Now, everyone will know you’re mine and people will think twice about hitting on you.” The door pinged open as Madison rolled her eyes. Typical Alec and his jokes rather than a genuine answer. “Okay, Mads, honestly, hiding you when you’re such a big part of my life is exhausting.”

  Madison wasn’t sure how to respond to that. She didn’t have the time, anyway.

  “How does Seraphina know about us?” Madison asked in a hushed voice as they walked down the hall and to Seraphina’s office.

  Alec, at least, had the decency to look sheepish. “Clara Daniels is good at her job,” was all he said. “When Seraphina called this meeting, she requested you come too. And I said okay. I didn’t ask why or worry about how she found out. I just agreed.”

  They walked down the hall together, this time, not touching save for when their shoulders casually brushed. Even though she didn’t have the sturdiness of his hand holding hers, she still felt good knowing he was with her. Even if there was a good chance Seraphina had found out about them. Not just from her parents but because Clara had found ou
t in some way.

  And if she had, so what? There were only a few weeks left to the season and if she got fired, she got fired. She also had enough money saved up to pay for the rest of college, even if the scholarship was yanked away from her. She would be all right.

  They walked into the office and there was a woman Madison had never seen before but Alec had. This must be Clara. Madison had to bite back a knowing smile as she took in the private investigator; she was beautiful and cute and sexy all at one time. How Dean Morgan was able to walk away from her – if Amanda’s gossip was true – Madison had no idea. But people had their dreams and their priority.

  Regardless, Clara looked as though she had done well for herself and didn’t need a man to take care of her.

  She was beautiful, with long red hair and brown eyes. She was petite but curvy and Madison felt herself nearly buck with insecurity when she saw her. But the smile Clara gave her was warm and friendly and Madison felt herself ease into the offered chair more comfortable than when she first walked in.

  “Thank you both so much for coming,” Seraphina said with a grin. “We have some good news.”

  Madison looked to Alec and she gave him a big smile. She did not realize that Seraphina and Clara would no doubt be able to read her eyes. She did not think about the fact that she could be outing herself to the two women even on the chance that their relationship was still under wraps.

  “See?” Clara said, turning her head to look at Seraphina. “If that’s not evidence enough, I don’t know what is.”

  “What?” Alec asked, looking between his boss and the PI. “What’s going on here? You said you had news?”

  “Well,” Clara said, a soft pink blush touching her cheeks. “In my investigation, I found something you probably didn’t want Seraphina to know. But you agreed that I could disclose everything to her so I did. I’m sorry for that. But she needed to know.” Her eyes fixed on Madison. “I take it you guys have been dating for a while now. Am I right?”

  Madison looked to Alec for guidance. She wasn’t planning to say anything without Alec’s say-so. Not because he dictated her actions but because this might affect him more than her.


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