Rumors & Roughing: A Slapshot Novel (Slapshot Series Book 5) Page 11
“Yes,” he said with a nod. He looked directly at Seraphina, unafraid of the consequences. Madison held her breath, her entire body tense. “Two years, this September.”
Seraphina pushed her brow up, clearly surprised. Not because they were dating but because of the length of their relationship.
“I knew it,” Clara muttered under her breath. She glanced around, her cheeks turning red. “Sorry, did I say that out loud? Totally unprofessional. It won’t happen again. Promise.”
“I had a feeling what your mother said had merit,” Seraphina said slowly, turning her gaze to Madison.
“What do you mean?” Alec said. “Your mom knew about us? And she told Seraphina?”
Madison nodded. “Yeah,” she said. “They were here during the third game. I didn’t want to tell you because, honestly, you had enough on your plate. And after what happened before, I didn’t want to put pressure on you or make it about me. I just needed space to calm down.”
“You should have told me,” Alec murmured, placing his hand on her knee and squeezing it reassuringly.
“As lovely as this is,” Clara cut in, clearing her throat. “That isn’t the point of why we called you in here. Right, um, Sera?”
Seraphina grinned. “Right,” she said. “Clara managed to uncover that Madison was a witness to Alec’s whereabouts during the alleged rape.”
“I don’t want her to come out and say something,” Alec began but Clara cut him off.
“Because you’re afraid it wouldn’t just compromise her job with the Gulls,” Clara said, “but also hurt her reputation.”
Alec paused, looking at her with a furrowed brow. “How do you know that?” he asked her.
“Well, on the one hand,” Clara said, gesturing with her hands and looking up at the ceiling, “it’s common sense. Once I found out about your alibi, I realized your relationship had been going on for a while. Probably just before the scholarship you and Seraphina created. A nice way of giving Madison money for her school so she wouldn’t have to rely on her terrible family.” She glanced quickly at Madison, whose mouth had just dropped open. “No offense.”
“Yes,” Alec said, nodding his head. “That’s right.”
Madison was in awe of her boyfriend. She couldn’t believe he was admitting to everything. He wasn’t even flinching as Seraphina stared at him. He was being nothing but respectful and honest. Madison couldn’t help but admire him. Without thinking, she reached over and placed her hand over his, giving it a supportive squeeze.
Seraphina caught notice of the action as well and raised her eyes back up to look at the couple.
“We need to talk about your relationship with each other,” Seraphina said. “Unfortunately, I cannot have you on the team, Madison, if you plan to continue this relationship.” She sounded regretful. “I know it’s not fair. That you’re being punished for a consensual relationship when both parties are aware of the rules.”
“I get it,” Madison said with a sigh. “You’re running a business. Alec brings in the money. I’m a shiny thing to look at during commercial breaks and intermissions. I’m easily replaceable.”
“I mean,” Seraphina said with a small, amused smile. “I wouldn’t exactly put it that crassly, but that’s pretty much the gist of it. I’m probably going to fine him ten thousand dollars to a charity of his choice, and, like I said, you can’t be on the team anymore from this point forward – which means you will lose your scholarship – but I’m happy for you both. Honestly. Alec, I’ve known you since high school, and I’ve never seen you settle down. I’m glad it’s with someone who has a good head on their shoulders and can put you in your place when you need it. And, trust me, you need it.” She shifted her gold-blue eyes to Madison. “I’m actually sorry to say I don’t know you that well. However, I know Katella has nothing but the highest respect for you, and that’s saying something for my sister. You’ve clearly changed Alec without meaning to. You’ve made him a better person. And for that, I’m grateful. Not that Alec needed to change because, deep down, he’s a good guy. But he needed a push in order to, I don’t know, I think evolve is the right word.”
Madison nodded. “Okay,” she said. “I understand and I appreciate your support.”
Clara cleared her throat obnoxiously. When all eyes turned to her, she pulled out a manila envelope and slid it onto Seraphina’s desk.
“Sorry,” she said, shrugging sheepishly. “I don’t do well with sentimental moments.” Seraphina began to open up the envelope as Clara continued. “Alec, can I discuss your case openly in front of Madison?”
“Of course,” Alec said as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Perfect,” Clara said. “I kind of figured but I just thought I’d ask. Legal technicalities and all that.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Anyway, Alec, do you know a woman by the name of Fiona Canterbury? Apparently, she used to be employed by the Gulls as a Gulls Girl a year ago.”
Madison’s mouth dropped open. Clara homed in on that.
“You do?” she asked Madison, surprised.
“You do?” Alec asked, furrowing his brow. “How do you know her but I don’t?”
Madison rolled her eyes. “You do know her,” she said as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Or, you did. She used to be the captain of the Gulls Girls. She left after last season. Apparently, I heard the two of you guys hooked up once. She wanted more, you didn’t, and it’s pissed her off ever since.”
“So she waited a year to accuse me of rape as a way to get back at me?” Alec asked, completely flummoxed. “Why the hell would she wait that long to do something like that?”
“Because this was a record season for the team,” Clara said. “Plus, you’re a first line winger. You contributed a lot to the success of this team. You should know this. It wouldn’t matter if she accused you during the summer, during the off-season, or even at the beginning of the season when predictions placed the Gulls at the bottom – where they usually are.” She shot a look to Seraphina. “No offense. In my defense, the Gulls are my favorite team.”
Seraphina’s lips twitched but she managed to bite back a smile. “Anyway,” she pushed her friend, shooting Clara a look that indicated she should probably wrap this up.
“Anyway,” Clara said. “Fiona’s a smart cookie but I managed to get her to admit that she completely set you up.”
“How did you manage to do that?” Madison asked, wrinkling her brow.
“I pretended to be an investigative journalist who managed to track her down as the victim,” Clara said. “Trust me, this girl wants to go to the press so badly to tell her bullshit story, she’s willing to believe anything. The police insisted she stay anonymous for her own protection, which, again, is policy. But if it were up to her, she’d have come out to the press from the get-go.”
“So,” Alec said, “that doesn’t explain how you got her to confess.”
“I basically took her to a trendy bar, recorded her admitting everything was a sham, after getting her completely drunk,” she said, rolling her eyes. “It was too easy. From there, I thanked her, paid for an Uber to take her home, then dropped off the evidence to the Newport Beach Police Department. Obviously, it’ll take them a couple of days to review the recording and question Fiona about it, but I’d imagine the charges are going to be dropped in a couple of days, at most. Trust me, the PD does not want to look like a bunch of assholes, targeting one of their wealthy residents.”
“So, that’s it, then,” Alec said, looking at Clara.
She nodded. “Obviously, you have to wait until the cops approach you and you’ll get a letter saying the charges were dropped, but yeah, that’s pretty much it,” Clara said with a nod.
Madison couldn’t contain herself. She squealed and launched herself at Alec, who welcomed her with open arms.
It was over. This was finally over.
Chapter 18
It was official: the charges against Alec were dropped, wit
h the DA’s apology. Alec nearly rolled his eyes when he heard it, especially considering that the two officers who made contact with him about this first gave him no chance to explain himself. Madison was just glad they didn’t have to hide anymore. Maybe it took her longer to warm up to the idea than Alec had been – probably because they had been outted by her mother rather than as a choice made by both of them – but now that everything had worked out, she was glad. Granted, she wasn’t a Gulls Girl any longer but Seraphina found a position for her on the team that gave her the same pay and since Madison had saved up her paychecks, she was able to pay for the rest of her school without her father or the scholarship.
She still wasn’t sure where she would go once she graduated but she knew she didn’t have to return to South Haven, and that was all Madison could ask for.
Instead of worrying about that now, she concentrated on getting ready for Game 4. Not in her Gulls Girl outfit because she wasn’t on the team anymore. Instead, she pulled on denim jeans and a white-collared shirt. She didn’t have to style her hair a certain way, deciding to opt for casual waves, and her makeup was minimal.
So this was how it felt to attend a hockey game as a spectator rather than a participant.
It felt pretty damn good.
Seraphina had bought her ticket as a welcome to the girlfriend slash wife club. Alec offered to reimburse Seraphina but Seraphina waved him off, saying it was her pleasure to kiss the ass of the woman who finally tied Alec Schumacher down, and hoped that it would get his focus on the game rather than the pretty girls who scraped up the ice. Madison had to muffle a laugh at the sight of Seraphina’s face when she realized they had been together for nearly two years.
Madison was given VIP parking – which meant close to the stadium, without paying a fee – and she pulled in with ease. She checked in with everyone else – she had to get her purse checked and she needed to walk through a metal detector – and she found her seat quickly. She would be sitting next to Emma Winsor and her father, the woman Kyle Underwood had been dating as long as she had been dating Alec.
When Emma saw her, she stood and beamed at Madison, immediately making Madison feel comfortable – even though she was technically at a hockey game by herself.
“Hi,” she said warmly, pulling Madison into a tight hug. “You must be Madison. Seraphina told me all about you.”
“Thanks,” Madison said as the broke apart and slid into their seats. “I know Alec has mentioned you to me in passing as the girl who finally locked Kyle down.”
“And Kyle… well, to be honest,” Emma said, scrunching her brow. “He hasn’t mentioned you at all. He had noticed Alec’s lifestyle completely changing, though. But he chalked it up to Ken Brown’s death, not that Alec started seeing someone.”
“To be honest,” Madison said, “I’m sure it was both. Alec and Ken were close. Ken personally recruited Alec when he was still in high school and drafted Alec that same year.”
Emma nodded. The announcer called for noise now that the Gulls were about to skate on the ice and warm up. Madison settled in the plastic chair, expecting Katella to gather them in the locker room and tell them what to expect for the evening.
This was the last game in the series. If they won this, they were in the Western Conference finals. Madison could not contain her excitement. Her body was thrumming with anticipation. There was a part of her that wished she hadn’t been asked to withdraw from the Gulls Girls because at least it gave her something to focus on, it gave her a place to put her nervous energy. Now, she would be watching the entire game without interruption as a spectator and she was almost worried she wouldn’t know what to do with herself.
She shouldn’t have worried. The game went by quickly that Madison wished it would slow down. But Alec – and the team – was on fire and they managed to beat the Grizzlies two to one thanks to a goal from both Zachary Ryan and Alec. When the stars of the game were announced – Alec being one of them – he skated across to Madison, gave her a wink, before skating off to give some cute kid on their parent’s shoulder his stick.
“Well, if that doesn’t make it official,” Emma murmured with a grin, nudging Madison playfully.
Madison felt herself blush but she could not stop the big smile from slipping onto her face and staying there. Once everyone had cleared out, Emma and Madison headed down the elevator and to the locker rooms, where they ran into Harper, having just wrapped up her interview with the players, currently waiting for her boyfriend, Zachary Ryan, to emerge.
“Harp,” Emma said. “You know Madison, right? She used to be a Gulls Girl and now…” She glanced over at Madison with a grin. “And now she’s Alec’s official girlfriend.”
“I’m sure she’s much more than Alec’s girlfriend,” Harper teased before sticking out her hand. “I know we haven’t officially met but Katella really respects you and talks about you a lot since taking over for the Gulls Girls after Lara officially retired. How are you? I’m glad everything has settled with the whole Alec thing.”
Madison smiled, her cheeks turning a small shade of pink. “Good, actually,” she said. “I’m just glad he’s been cleared by definitive evidence.”
“I still can’t believe Fiona was behind that,” Harper said. “I mean, I know people can be vindictive, but Fiona is clearly a vindictive bitch. And I’m not calling her that because she’s a woman, I would call anyone who did the same thing a bitch.”
Madison chuckled. “Totally,” Madison said, then shook her head, remembering. “To be honest, I think she was upset she and Alec never went anywhere. I feel bad for her, to a degree. I mean, she probably had good intentions in the beginning. He was a cute guy who was interested in her. I’m sure Alec told her upfront what to expect but all girls want to be that girl, you know? The one that changes everything.”
“That’s all nice and great,” Emma said, flipping her hair over her shoulder. “And maybe she will be that to somebody. Just not to Alec.”
At that moment, Alec and Kyle walked out. Their hair was damp, making Alec’s hair a brown color and Kyle’s a light auburn. Their faces lit up when they saw their respective girlfriends and immediately pulled them into tight hugs. Madison reveled in Alec’s strong touch, taking a moment to close her eyes and memorize it. Memorize this. He was hugging her in front of other people and neither of them cared.
Because they were free to be together without the pressure of hiding.
“Ready to go home?” Alec murmured in her ear.
Madison bit her bottom lip and nodded.
The drive back to Alec’s place was quick. The traffic had subsided since it took a lot longer for the players to get out of the locker room, but there were groups of fans walking along PCH in their jerseys, cheering and celebrating the win. It was convenient that Alec carpooled with Kyle Underwood so they didn’t have to drive together separately.
Alec didn’t even notice them.
“Madison,” he murmured as he opened the front door for her. “I need to ask you something important. It’s the only reason why I didn’t go out with Zach and Kyle and Harper and Emma tonight. Because, I’m hoping, tonight will be a different kind of celebration. For you and me.”
“We could have had sex afterward,” Madison said through a chuckle.
Alec grinned. “I’m glad to know you want me still, even though we’ve been together for a while,” he said, “but that wasn’t what I meant.” He rubbed his lips together. “I want to ask you something important. I actually wanted to ask you a while ago but the timing never felt right and I didn’t want you to be distracted with this when I know how important school is to you.”
Madison furrowed her brow as she slowly slid down into one of Alec’s theatre seats, trying to catch her breath. What the hell was Alec going to ask her? Was she ready for this question?
There was no way he was going to ask that question. Although they had been together for two years, so the timeline would make sense…
Madison shook her head,
trying to quiet the thoughts that kept springing up in her head.
“No?” he asked, furrowing his brow. “You don’t even know what I was going to ask.”
“Sorry,” Madison said, feeling herself smile for no reason. Like an asshole, she thought to herself. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt. Go ‘head. I’m listening. No answer yet because I don’t know what you’re asking.” She bit her bottom lip to say anything else since it was clear she was babbling.
Alec grinned at her excitement. “I know you have a lot on your plate,” he said. “Not just with me and what we went through, but you’ll be graduating soon and I’m sure you’re unsure as to what you plan to do with your life or where you plan to go.” He cleared his throat. “Anyway, whatever you do choose to do, I want you to know that I support you, one hundred percent. I’m here for you always, the way you’ve always been there for me. But, I did want to ask you…” He let his voice trail off and Madison could not help but notice that Alec was nervous.
Alec Schumacher, nervous. She never thought she would see the day.
She continued to hold her lip in place, preventing her from speaking, preventing her from saying anything. Alec needed to do this on his own, without any assistance from her.
“Right,” he said before clearing his throat. “Anyway, I know you and Amanda had tentative plans to move in together and the last thing I want to do is ruin that for her, but I also know you’re going to graduate which means you’ll have to leave your dorm at the end of the month and I just… I really want you to move in with me.”
Madison let out a breath she didn’t realize she had been holding. “Yes!” she exclaimed, jumping into his arms.
He seemed surprised. “Yes?” he asked, furrowing his brow. “Just like that? You don’t have to think about it?”
“What’s there to think about?” Madison asked, quirking her brow. “I’ve been hoping you’d ask me for a while now, but I also respect your space. Plus, you’re going through a lot. But yes, absolutely.” She beamed at him before pulling him into another tight hug, squeezing her legs around his waist in excitement.