Hollywood Snowfall Page 2
“Yup, that was me,” Erin said with a smile. Why was he making small talk with her now?
“I did not know you worked here,” he said, reaching behind him to pull out his wallet from his back pocket. He then grinned, his lips curving up, smile lines outlining his grin. If Erin didn’t subtly tug on her scarf, she would not have thought she was actually alive. “But then again, I don’t know anything about you except you were the girl with a journal whose name is…” His shaded eyes skimmed my nametag, which happened to be on her left breast. “Erin,” he finished, and his head lifted up. “Well, Erin, I’m Johnny, it’s nice to meet you again.”
“Um… it’s nice to meet you, too,” Erin replied. Why was he talking to her? She felt special and yet slightly uncomfortable. She wasn’t used to this kind of attention, especially from a member of the opposite sex, especially from the most gorgeous man alive. “Again,” she quickly added, and he chuckled.
Johnny looked at the young woman before him. Her eyes were still the same. How could he forget her eyes? She was not bad looking either. With dark blonde hair pulled back and those gorgeous eyes, she had a small, upturned nose and sharp cheekbones with soft freckles caressing them. Her lips were full, her jaw line sharp, and even the unflattering uniform she was wearing could not hide her figure. God, she was beautiful, but so, so young.
“How may I help you?” she asked.
So polite too. He blinked, and handed her his credit card. “Yeah, can I get one for Carmen’s List, please?” he asked.
“Sure,” Erin replied, turning to her monitor. “That’ll be nine fifty, please.” She swiped the credit card and handed it back to him. Then, she tore his ticket off from his credit card receipt and offered him a pen. “Can you sign this for me?” she asked, and he nodded. Erin watched him sign with a smile; he had nice, long fingers.
“All right, thank you,” Erin said, grabbing the receipt and handing him back his credit card. “Enjoy your show.”
“Thank you very much,” Johnny said with a smile.
Erin slipped the credit card receipt into her pocket smoothly as she watched his perfectly chiseled ass walk into the theatre. God, he was gorgeous…
After Erin got off of her shift that night, she walked across the street to the Coffee Bean and met up with Jessica and Zoë, who were saving a seat for her. Erin had a goofy smile on her face; the same happiness she felt when she had seen him, met him at the premiere had welled up inside of her, but this was so much more… He had remembered her. Johnny Barker had remembered her. That didn’t happen too often now, did it?
“Oh God,” Zoë said as she watched her friend plop down in the seat, almost in a zombie-like trance. “Who is he?”
Erin’s smile deepened as she turned her head so she could face Zoë. “Johnny Barker,” she said with a content sigh.
“Oh yeah,” Zoë said. “We all know he’s gorgeous, even if Jessica won’t admit it.”
“He’s old,” was Jessica’s reply as she sipped on her hot tea.
“No, no,” Erin said, shaking her head. “He came into the theatre today. He remembered me, you guys. Me. Erin, your friend. He was all, ‘I know you; you’re the girl with the journal!’”
“No freaking way!” Zoë exclaimed so loudly that the tourists who had flocked to the café all looked at the young woman with furrowed brows. Jessica shook her head at Zoë, and slid down a bit in her chair, her light brown hair covering her face. “What’re you looking at?” Zoë asked, and the tourists looked away. With the roll of her eyes, she continued, “I cannot believe you have met Johnny Barker twice now! And he remembered you! O-M-G, he is so hot.”
“I thought we promised no internet lingo,” Jessica said, speaking up for the first time.
“This particular situation requires such lingo because it is too damn awesome,” Zoë explained.
“Well, don’t have the big O at Coffee Bean, Zoe,” Erin said with a grin.
“Just thinking about Johnny Barker is enough to send me to the big O and beyond,” Zoë said, raising her eyebrows coyly.
“Ew!” Jessica exclaimed with disgust. “Johnny Barker is, like, ten years older than us.”
“Yes, but when you look like he does, who cares?” Erin asked, resting her head on her palm.
“How, exactly, does he look?” Jessica asked. “I mean, I’ve seen him and all, but what is so special about him?”
“Um… gorgeous,” Zoë said, looking at Jessica as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. “God, Jessica, are you blind, or just in denial?”
“No,” Jessica said, taking another sip of her tea. “I just don’t find old guys attractive.”
Erin’s mouth dropped open as Zoë exclaimed, “He’s not even old!”
“I’m not saying I’d ever get involved with him or anything,” Erin said, interrupting a long lecture that Zoë was about to give on age and looks.
“But you would,” Zoë cut in with a grin.
Erin shot Zoë a look, and rolled her eyes. “I’m just saying that he looks like a Greek god brought back to life so hopeless girls like us can just watch him and-“
“Achieve the big O,” Zoë interrupted again. “I mean, when girls are having sex and it is not going as well as, you know, it should, what guy do you think girls fantasize about the most? It’s like, if you look up ‘Wet daydream’, you’ll find his face.”
“First of all, ‘wet daydream’ is two words,” Jessica said, glancing at Erin, and then back at Zoë. “And secondly, gross!”
Erin nodded in agreement. “To the max,” she murmured, concurring with Jessica.
“Just stating the facts,” Zoë said, shrugging.
“Too much information,” Jessica said.
“Whatevs,” Zoë said, and Erin giggled, shaking her head. She stood up to go and order a drink.
A couple weeks passed and business has once again died down for the time being. As December began, the cold got worse, which wasn’t something Erin thought was possible. Perhaps the predicted snow was actually possible.
Erin yawned as she looked at the clock. It was seven fifteen and this is usually when lines would be winding around the corners for the seven o’clock set. It was dark outside, so, it was difficult for Erin to people-watch but she tried as best as she could anyway.
She saw a young boy take a picture with a Cat in the Hat and smiled. Even though she didn’t appreciate tourists the way businesses did, she liked watching the little ones run around excited when they see their favorite movie characters come to life. Yes, Los Angeles was quite a city, but she would never want to be anywhere but L. A. She was born here and hoped she would die here as well. She even loved her job, although she would never admit it aloud.
Erin had gotten it as a part-time job during her last year of high school to pay for her car, but she never left, and eventually, her two best friends wound up getting jobs there, on Erin’s recommendation, so really, there was no reason for Erin to leave. The theatre gave her flexible hours when it concerned her college schedule, so for now, she was happy to stay there.
A man began to walk up to the theatre, so Erin straightened up, and looked at the screen so she didn’t look like she expected him. Loud chattering caused Erin to glance up, however, and she saw that a group of photographers were taking pictures of the man. Even the young boy watched him, and waved, and the man smiled and waved back. It was him, again. Erin’s heart began to race again, but she was beginning to grow curious. Why was he coming to the movies? After working there for two and a half years, she had not seen him up until two weeks ago, and, of course, now.
“I’ll be back,” Bert announced to her, and then, on his wireless walky-talky said, “Security, please assist me at the front doors.”
Erin watched as Bert and three big men walked outside and announced that photographers would not be allowed in the theatre, and if anyone was found inside, their cameras would be confiscated. The man turned to
Bert, and seemed to apologize to him. Bert smiled politely, and seemed to offer him to go inside so he could see his movie for free. But the man shook his head, and looked at Erin; he smiled.
Erin nearly fell out of her chair. To say he surprised her was an understatement. But as he walked up to the box office window, she quickly composed herself and smiled at him.
“Sorry about all that commotion,” Johnny said sincerely. “Apparently my incognito look is beginning to get recognized.”
“It must be hard dealing with that every day,” Erin said, looking at him, not believing she was talking to him yet again.
“Stop making small talk with the customers, please,” Bert said as he entered, not even glancing at Erin, but going straight to his computer.
Erin blushed, hoping Bert said it low enough that Johnny did not pick up on it. “What movie did you want to see?” she asked him, giving him her full attention.
“Oh, yes,” Johnny replied, smiling. “I’d like one for Over My Dead Body, please.”
“All right, that will be twelve dollars, please,” Erin said, and Johnny handed her his card. A crowd had gathered now, after all the previous commotion, and Erin soon had a line. She wondered why any celebrity would put themselves through going to the movies. Hopefully, he would be able to watch the movie. She handed him back his card and ticket. “Enjoy your show,” she told him.
“I don’t need to sign this time?” Johnny asked curiously, and Erin nearly died right there.
Good one, you moron, she thought to herself. Because you tricked him into giving you his autograph that one time, you have to do it every time now. “I’m sorry,” Erin said, her previous blush deepening to a crimson. “Here.” Quickly, Erin pulled out his receipt from the drawer and handed him a pen. She watched him sign it again, and then slid both the pen and the receipt back to her, smiling at her as he knew he little trick she had pulled on him.
“Have a good night, Erin,” he said.
“You, too,” Erin replied, and would have watched him walk into the theatre as she did before, save for the large line that had accumulated behind Johnny after people had realized he was going to the movies.
Erin yawned as she walked through her apartment door. The night had been a long one. It was so busy, and she had just got off an eight-hour shift after politely declining to stay longer. She saw her housemates sitting on the couch, watching their very small television. Jessica and Zoë both snapped to Erin as she walked in the door, as if they both were waiting for her to arrive. Erin shot them a confused look and quickly locked the door. It had been about a week since her last encounter with Johnny Barker, and after she had told them her third run-in with him, Zoë immediately began asking for more shifts in hopes to meet him as well.
“O-M-G, Holl!” Zoë exclaimed, springing up from the couch and going over to Erin who put down her purse, and wanted nothing more than to sit down in a hot bath so the muscles that had tensed in her sway back would loosen and relax her. She glanced at Jessica, expecting her to cut in about internet lingo, but Jessica looked at her just as expectantly. “Huge major story!”
“Is everything okay?” Erin asked, sitting down, her body melting into the couch. “What happened?”
Zoë plopped back down on Erin’s other side of the couch, mischievousness filling her gold eyes. “Jessica, I’ll let you tell the story,” Zoë said, not looking away from Erin in her pure excitement.
“Thanks for the honor,” Jessica said, rolling her blue eyes. She looked back at Erin. “Johnny Barker came into the theatre today.”
“That’s chill,” Erin said. “He’s been coming in a lot recently. But I’m glad you guys finally got to meet him.”
“I saw him walk to his theatre from the concession stand,” Jessica explained. “It was Zoe here who actually talked to him.”
“He asked about you, Erin,” Zoë cut in, straight to the point. She looked so excited she could have exploded.
“What?” Erin asked, giving Zoë a look. She turned to Jessica for confirmation.
“It’s true,” Jessica said, and Erin turned back to Zoë.
“Why would he ask for me?” Erin asked.
“He said he was used to seeing you at the box office,” Zoë explained.
“Well,” Erin said, her mind spinning so fast that she was grateful for the fact that she was already sitting down, “I have helped him a couple of times…” She let her voice trail off. Even that was a lame explanation, and she knew it.
“Erin, you’ve helped tons of people a couple of times,” Zoë said, narrowing her eyes at her friend. “But, no offense, no one asks about you when you’re not there, and, oh yeah, none of those people are Johnny Barker!” She paused to catch her breath, and then said, “I think he has a thing for you.”
“He’s so old!” Jessica exclaimed. “I admit, he looks good, okay. But if he had any morals and common sense, he would know there’s no possible way that a relationship between you guys is possible.”
“Love knows no boundaries, Jess,” Zoë said dramatically. “And it is totally possible that he has a thing for Erin. Erin is a cutie with a bootie, no matter how small it is.”
“Hey, hey, hey,” Erin said, raising her brow. “My butt is tight and noticeable. I like my butt.”
“Doesn’t matter anyways,” Zoë murmured. “Your boobs make up for it.”
“You’re so vulgar, Zoe,” Jessica said.
“It’s true!” Zoë exclaimed, gesturing at Erin’s chest. “Erin has big boobs. There’s no denying it when they stick out in whatever she wears.” He tone quickly changed as she changed the subject. “Anyway, I think you should ask Johnny out the next time you see him.”
“Hell no!” Erin exclaimed.
“Even if Johnny does like Erin, he should be one to pursue her,” Jessica said.
“You are so traditional,” Zoë said with a roll of her eyes. “The times have changed.” She looked back at the woman sitting next to her. “Erin, I told him that you worked Friday afternoon. If my theory is correct - that he has a thing for you, Erin Sanders - then he will show up at one point or another during your shift, and if he doesn’t show up, then I’m wrong. Deal?”
“What are we even betting?” Jessica asked.
Zoë thought for a moment, and then replied, “Dishes. For two weeks.”
“I’m not even getting in on this,” Erin said, shaking her head.
“Deal!” Jessica exclaimed.
“Jessica!” Erin said, looking at her friend with a surprised look. “I thought we agreed that there was no way he could ever have an interest in me.”
“I do agree,” Jessica said. “That’s why I’m taking this deal. You know I hate doing the dishes.”
“Well, you’re not going to do them for the next two weeks,” Erin said, standing up and heading towards the bathroom for a very much desired bath. “Wanna know why? I think it might be because he does not have a thing for me.”
“We’ll see,” Zoë said, shrugging, leaning back in the chair. “And if I am right, I’m definitely starting a betting pool at work…”
Erin woke up Friday morning at six thirty by falling out of her bed. Suffice to say, she was nervous, nervous as hell. Picking herself up, she moaned, crawling back into her bed and tried to fall back asleep. She managed to doze for a half an hour before Zoë pranced in at seven fifteen, and shook Erin awake. Erin moaned with frustration and fell out of her bed once again. Zoë burst out laughing, her loud, nasal laugh, that, to some degree, was also contagious. Soon, Erin and Zoë were laughing so hard that Jessica came in, rubbing her eyes to see what had happened.
“God, you guys are weird,” she said, and then went back to her room.
“Hey, don’t you want to help Erin look amazingly gorgeous for her upcoming encounter with Johnny Barker?” Zoë called, but did not get a reply.
“Was it really necessary to wake me up so early?” Erin murmured, taking the hand Zoë offered her and go
t up, off the ground. “I don’t start until twelve o’clock.”
“Who cares?” Zoë said. “The early bird gets that worm, and in your case, a delectable, delicious, hottie worm with a tight butt and-“
“I got it, Zoe,” Erin said, rolling her eyes. She swaggered into the very small kitchen and began to pour a bowl of Crispex cereal. Her mother never let her eat any chocolate or marshmallow cereal, and it just stuck with her even when she moved out.
“Are you nervous?” Zoë asked, plopping down in front of Erin at the small kitchen table, looking at her friend with intensity.
“Well, if you keep staring at me while I’m eating, then I could progress into nervousness, yes,” Erin said, as she chewed her cereal.
Zoë rolled her eyes but did not get up, jiggling her knee impatiently, waiting for her friend to finish eating. Erin sensed this, so she took her time, devouring every single fleck of cereal, and even slurped the milk down as well. When she finished, she used the back of her hand to wipe the milk from her mouth and grinned a lopsided grin.
“Are you done yet?” Zoë asked.
Erin nodded, but then held her hand up. “No, wait!” she exclaimed, and then grabbed her orange juice and quickly downed that as well. “Now I am finished.”
“Good,” Zoë said, grabbing Erin’s wrist and leading her into the bathroom. “Now take a long, hot shower. You know, but not long enough to aide in the destruction of Global Warming.”
Erin rolled her eyes but an amused grin flickered on her face. “Do you even know what Global Warming is, Zoe?” she asked, but then disappeared into the bathroom before Zoë could retort a response.
As Erin turned on the water, her thoughts began to drift high, along with the mist that was fogging up her mirror. Johnny Barker. God, she could not believe it. Not in a million years would she ever imagine that she would ever meet Johnny Barker. Even though her logic told her that there was no way Johnny Barker would come in today just because Zoë told him that Erin worked, her romantic, her imaginative, her hopeful side wanted to be proven otherwise. Of course she wanted Johnny Barker to show up just for her, to feel special and privileged, to feel desired by someone so… perfect. She knew better than to get her hopes up, but then again, the excitement welled up in her until she was actually giggling in the shower.