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To Marry A Marauder Page 20

  The island itself was rather small. Sand outlined the island, but green grass made up the majority of the island. Tall trees provided shade, while flowers, weeds, and bushes decorated dusty paths. There was a spring in the center of the island, and animals inhabited everything from the trees to the ground, making homes in the green leaves and the dirt. It was rather peaceful, and if the circumstances were different, Brooke could appreciate the island more. However, she was being held here against her will, attempting to solve a riddle that would possibly save her, as well as Charlie’s, life.

  “What is it?” Diablette asked, following the girl on the island. “What have you solved?”

  Charlie quickly followed Brooke, joining her on her left side. He wrapped his arm around the small of her back providing her with stability. Brooke felt herself naturally leaning into him, feeling suddenly safe in a hopeless situation. She sighed with contentment, and then began to explain the riddle to Charlie instead of Diablette.

  “When you read ‘In a sea of green, atop a vertical mast,’” she began, “you would automatically think of a ship on the sea. However, the map leads us to an island, not a place in the ocean; therefore, the treasure is not lost at sea, but buried on this island.”

  “We already knew that,” Diablette snapped on her other side.

  Sutherland, as well as Diablette’s crew, began to follow the three. The crew was holding shovels, preparing to dig wherever the girl told them to.

  “However,” Brooke continued, ignoring the woman’s presence, “the sea of green could also refer to being surrounded by greenery, as in grass.”

  Diablette’s eyes widened. “So we’re looking for a meadow?” Diablette guessed. “Then what does the vertical mast mean?” Brooke did not answer, causing the older woman to seethe. “Answer me, goddammit.”

  Charlie opened his mouth to respond, but Brooke beat him to it.

  “You asked me to solve this riddle,” Brooke snapped, “not make idle conversation with you.”

  Charlie’s brow shot up in surprise, and he smirked, squeezing her side very slightly. Brooke and Charlie continued on rather slowly for Brooke’s comfort. Every step pained in her in some way, but she was getting used to it. She relished the comfort that Charlie’s presence brought her. With his arm around her waist, she was able to walk steadier. Her confidence had increased, and she was filled with a sense of newly rekindled hope. His shoulder was a comfortable resting place for her head, and she felt calmed. She was so incredibly glad that he was with her.

  Charlie glanced down at Brooke, her head resting comfortably on his shoulder. His anger was still brewing inside of him but was repressed due to Brooke’s presence. He was just glad she had returned to him, and that from then on, he would be there to protect her from whatever would come. He did not like the feeling of her not being around him, whether she was protected in Port Royal with her father and friends, or she was taken from him with force. In a way, her presence relaxed him, and he felt completely balanced out when she was with him.

  The trail they followed was shaded by the tall trees, blocking out the blue sky, but also the incredible sun. Brooke noticed strange markings on the trees, markings that had to be made by humans. They were almost like pictures. She bit her lip, wondering if the island was indeed deserted. It was a nice January day, a slight breeze blowing against the group’s back. Birds chirping could be heard, and little rodents scampered and scurried between the group’s feet to find their home in the trunks of the trees or holes in the ground. It was a long trek on the winding trail; two hours had already passed, and they had still not found a meadow. Diablette’s patience was wearing thin fast.

  “Where is this place?” Diablette asked with agitation.

  “If the map is correct, then it’s on this island,” Charlie snapped back defensively. He did not like anyone speaking to Brooke the way Diablette was speaking to Brooke.

  “Well, why aren’t we moving faster?” Diablette asked through her gritted teeth.

  “Maybe because I can barely walk,” Brooke said, her nose scrunched in anger.

  “Honey, if you don’t want to walk, I will personally break both of your legs for you,” Diablette said, her voice rising.

  “You break her legs, I’ll break your neck,” Charlie growled, glancing at Diablette over Brooke’s head.

  “The trail’s breaking,” Brooke said, raising her arm to point ahead of them.

  Diablette ran ahead of them, and once the Spaniard raced off the trail, she ended up surrounded by green grass. She let out a bark of laughter and then turned back to race back to her crew.

  “Up ahead!” she exclaimed. “Vamos!”

  The crew followed Diablette off the trail, and they two were surrounded by green grass. The meadow was not full of flowers and bushes, merely grass. It was a secret pocket on the island, surrounded by the forest that inhabited the majority of the island. It was in the shape of a perfectly round circle. Sutherland went to go stand next to Diablette, murmuring loudly with her as they both looked at the parchment. When Charlie and Brooke reached the meadow, they relaxed their tense postures and just took in their new surroundings.

  “Are you ready for this, love?” Charlie murmured in Brooke’s ear.

  She felt a shiver run down her back when she felt his hot breath on her face.

  “I think I would be happier if the circumstances were quite different,” Brooke retorted quietly.

  “I’m glad the battered state your body is in has no effect whatsoever on your charming personality, darling,” Charlie quipped back dryly.

  Brooke smiled up at him. “I’m glad you are with me, Charlie,” she told him genuinely.

  He returned her humble smile. “As am I, love,” he whispered back.

  “Oy, you two,” Diablette said, dashing over to the pair. Her dark eyes burned at Brooke. She hated that she needed this wench to solve this riddle for her. She hated Brooke even more due to Charlie’s preoccupation with her. “We found the vertical mast.”

  Charlie and Brooke followed Diablette’s pointed finger to a large mast that appeared to be sticking out of the meadow, somewhat blending in with the tall trees. It was wooden and sturdy and was the same height as the trees.

  “Oh my God,” Brooke murmured quietly, her eyes going wide.

  Charlie remained silent, but he too was stunned.

  “Now, I have figured out the second part of the riddle,” Diablette continued. She looked at the parchment in her hand and began to read. “‘Unlock a treasure of treasure’s past.’ I believe that’s referring to a key; a key that is somewhere on the mast.” She paused, and then nodded at Maria.

  Maria walked over to Brooke and pulled her away from Charlie’s grasp.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Brooke demanded as she struggled, albeit weakly, against the taller woman’s pull.

  “You see, I believe that the key is on the very tippy top of the mast,” Diablette said as she followed Maria and Brooke. Charlie followed Diablette, seething as he did so. “Therefore, I am sending the two of you up the mast to retrieve the key for me.”

  “How, exactly, are we supposed to get up to fetch your precious key?” Brooke spat. Her head was beginning to throb, and the pain she was feeling seemed to dramatically increase along with her headache.

  “Use your resources,” Diablette said with a wicked grin. “You have trees; trees have branches. I assume you are a smart girl.”

  “You want her to climb up trees to reach the mast?” Charlie asked, appalled at such a notion. “She can barely walk, and you expect her to climb up a tree to reach a key? Do you even realize how dangerous that is?”

  Diablette whirled around to glare at Charlie, who matched her glare with one of his own.

  “Do you realize I do not care how dangerous it is?” Diablette told him. “Any life is disposable for this key. Any life is disposable for this treasure. It might calm you that I am sending Maria up there as well.”

  “You’re only sending Mari
a to make sure Brooke doesn’t hide the key from you,” Charlie said.

  “Well, she did hide the whereabouts of the treasure for you,” Diablette pointed out. “Who’s to say she wouldn’t hide the key?”

  “And if she falls?” Charlie asked through gritted teeth, taking a step forward toward the pirate captain. “If Brooke falls?”

  “Well, Maria will be up there with her,” Diablette said. “I’m sure Maria has it in her full capacity to save your lass.” A smooth smirk crawled onto her face. “But then again, I make no promises.”

  Without thinking, Charlie grabbed Diablette’s throat in his hand and began to squeeze. A dark scowl hid his calm facial features as he choked her. All of her crew had pulled out their weapons as quickly as they possibly could, and pointed them at Charlie. Brooke’s mouth dropped open as she watched; Charlie would choke her to death, which would result in his demise.

  “Charlie!” she exclaimed, her eyes pleading with him. “I will do it.” He looked at Brooke but did not release Diablette. “Please, Charlie, let her go. I will do it.”

  Slowly, Charlie released the Spaniard, who immediately began gasping for breath. Brooke walked over to him, and her breath hitched in her throat. She reached at the touch his face, but hesitated, unsure if this was the correct way to handle the situation. The palm of her hand cupped his cheek, and her fingers curled around the side of his face. His brown eyes returned to their normal hue, looking down at her sadly. They both knew Brooke had no choice but to do what Diablette had ordered her to do. Charlie opened his mouth to speak, but Brooke smiled sadly and shook her head.

  “Come back to me,” he whispered in her ear.

  “I will,” she promised softly and then turned to walk over to Diablette.

  “Are you sure you’re finished?” the Spaniard barked dryly, looking at the young girl with agitation.

  Brooke glared but remained silent as she trudged behind Maria. They both walked over to a swarm of trees adjacent to the mast. Brooke glanced up at it, raising her arm up to shield her eyes from the rays of the sun. At that moment, something shimmered in the light. Brooke’s mouth dropped, and she glanced at Maria, who was reflecting her action. However, the taller woman was still looking up, missing the shimmer of the object resting on top of the mast.

  “Let’s go, princess,” Maria chided. “You first.” Brooke glanced sideways at Maria and then up at the tree. “C’mon, don’t tell me you are afraid. I’ll be right behind you.”

  Brooke exhaled. Because that reassures me, she thought dryly. With a grimace, she reached up and grabbed the thick branch and pulled herself up. Every muscle in her body screamed bloody murder, and she had to release the branch and shake out the pain. Charlie looked at her with concern, but Diablette placed a firm hand on his chest, keeping him in his place. Brooke sucked in a deep breath and released it before reaching up and pulling herself up. Despite the pain, she managed to swing her leg over the branch and pull herself up. Brooke glanced up and continued her trek upwards. The first branch was the hardest to overcome. The more she ascended, the closer the branches were. Maria was right behind her, climbing up with ease. Brooke couldn’t help but be envious of Maria.

  When they reached the top and were standing on the last branch, Brooke estimated that the mast was about a foot and a half above them. Maria was now standing beside Brooke, her eyes scanning the top of the mast hungrily. Brooke caught sight of the shimmering object; she could clearly make out the form of a key. This time, however, Maria saw it too. She gingerly pushed Brooke out of the way, stepping around Brooke to get closer to the key. Brooke managed to keep her balance, but her heart skipped a beat at the possibility of falling. She glanced down. She knew that if she fell, she would be dead.

  Brooke glanced back at Maria. The Spaniard was standing on her very tippy toes, trying to reach the key. Her fingers managed to grab the string that held the key, pulling it towards her, but at that moment, her foot slipped and she fell off the branch, plummeting to her death. Brooke squealed in surprise, her heart now beating incessantly fast.

  Diablette glanced at Maria’s dead body and had a couple women from her crew check her body. After a moment, one of the women shook her head.

  “No key,” Diablette murmured, and then arched her neck up to look at Brooke. “The key’s still up there, princess! Grab it!”

  “Are you mad?” Brooke exclaimed. “I’m coming down. If you want the key so badly, you get it yourself.”

  Charlie suppressed a smirk at Brooke’s response.

  “If you do not come down with the key, your precious Captain Colt will be killed,” Diablette replied threateningly.

  Brooke groaned, rolling her eyes up to the clear, blue sky. She glanced at the edge of the branch and slowly began to make her way over. Her stomach was sucked in, hoping that it would maintain her balance. She didn’t even want to breathe. When she reached as far as she could go, so pushed up on her toes. Maria was taller than she, and, therefore, had more accessibility to reach the key. However, because Maria had pushed the key towards the ledge, Brooke managed to slip her index finger through the rope. It slid down until her fingers folded around the rope and grasped the key in her palm. She turned around, taking a step where she thought was a branch. Instead, her foot came in contact with air, and she felt herself falling.

  Brooke could hear Charlie calling out for her, but her mind phased out. Her stomach came in contact with a thick branch, taking her breath from her. She was still falling until her stomach came in contact with another branch. She cried out from the pain as tears began to pour from her eyes. The key was still in her palm; it was the only thing she felt she was able to hold onto. Finally, her body hit the ground with a thud.

  Every part of her hurt excruciatingly. It hurt to breathe, it hurt to blink, and it hurt to cry. She felt her head get hazy, but when she saw Charlie’s big, brown eyes mold into hers, they drowned out everything else. He was leaning over her, his eyes misty, murmuring things to her she couldn’t understand due to a loud ringing in her ears.

  “I…,” she said, coughing and cringing with pain. “I…h-have the…key.”

  Charlie followed her eyes to her clenched hand. From nowhere, Diablette reached out and pried it away from her. Brooke was in too much pain to even notice.

  “I’m tired, Charlie,” she said, coughing once again.

  “Stay with me, love,” Charlie said, pleading with her. “Please…stay with me.”

  Brooke didn’t seem to hear him.

  “Stay with me, Charlie,” she murmured as she slowly fell into unconsciousness.

  “I will, darling,” he replied sincerely. “I will.”

  “Goddamit!” Diablette snapped. “She’s fucking unconscious! How is she supposed to solve the rest of the riddle?”

  Charlie’s jaw twitched due to the fact that he was clenching his teeth. He was so indescribably pissed at Diablette’s treatment of Brooke that he had to physically grind his boots into the dirt to refrain from attacking.

  “If I solve it for you, will you let me and the lass leave, as you have promised?” he asked slowly, articulating his words.

  Diablette looked at Charlie for a very long moment, before finally nodding. She walked over to the pirate captain and handed him the parchment.

  “I know you, Charlie,” she murmured quietly to him so that only he could hear. “I know you hate to admit it, but I know you well. If you lead us the wrong way, if your guess is wrong, then she will be missing body parts when I am through with her.”

  Charlie snatched the paper and reread the riddle. They already solved the first four lines, what they needed to do was now find the treasure. In a sea of would, until you actually do, different trunks, different values. Charlie bit his lips as he continued to read and reread the passage. In a sea of would. What could that possibly mean? He felt himself get a headache as he tried to process everything. Maybe reading the beginning four lines would give him a clue? On a sea of green, atop a vertical mast, unlock a trea
sure, of treasure’s past.

  On a sea of green…

  In a sea of would…

  “The treasure is buried in a tree!” he exclaimed suddenly, excited at having solved the riddle.

  “Do not toy with us, Colt,” Sutherland snapped, walking over to both Diablette and Charlie.

  “Listen to me, ay?” Charlie growled. “‘In a sea of would’ refers to whether or not we will find the treasure, as well as wood, like that which makes up trees. It has a double meaning. ‘Different trunks, different values’ refers to the tree’s trunk. However, a trunk is also another name for chest. Hence, the chest is buried in the trunk of a tree.” Charlie smirked at his intelligence.

  “How can a chest be buried in the trunk of a tree?” Sutherland asked suspiciously.

  “Ever see a rather large opening in a tree trunk, mate?” Charlie asked mysteriously. “Seem to be a pretty good place for hiding a treasure, ay?”

  “Which one is it hiding in?” Diablette snapped, her patience wearing thin. They were so close; there was no need for small talk.

  “Probably the one with the biggest hole in it, I would say,” Charlie said smartly, his forefinger tapping his chin.

  “Well, look for it!” Diablette snapped.

  “I will accompany him,” Sutherland volunteered, “to ensure that he does not take any of our treasure.”

  “I’m not leaving Brooke,” Charlie said firmly.

  “Either you go with Lord Sutherland and acquire this treasure, or she will leave you by way of death,” Diablette said as she handed Sutherland the key. “How many times do I have to threaten you for it to actually sink in?”

  Charlie looked at Brooke, his brow pushed together and his dark eyes filled with sadness. He did not want to leave her, but he knew he had to. He sighed, and then turned, following Sutherland into the sea of trees that made up the forest on the island. Charlie barely glanced at the trunks of the trees, his thoughts reserved only for Brooke. Was she okay? Obviously not, looking at her condition. She was bruised, battered, and bleeding, in a ridiculous and constraining corset. She needed her wounds dressed as quickly as possible. As much as he hated helping the man who had condemned his life, his thirst for revenge paled in comparison to saving Brooke’s life. So his eyes started scanning the trees, as the two went deeper and deeper into the forest.